URL Encoder / Decoder

Enter the text that you wish to encode or decode:

About URL Encoder / Decoder

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What is an Online URL Encoder?

A URL encoder is a software tool that you can use to encode your URLs. This tool will automatically encode your URLs by replacing unsafe characters with symbols.

URLs are usually sent through email, instant messaging applications, or text messages, which may not be able to handle certain characters. For example, when using the ? character in an email address, it will often be read as the “&” character in some email programs - which can cause problems when you are trying to send someone a link to your website. URL encoding makes sure that these unforeseen issues don't happen.


How You Can Start Using an Online URL Encoder

URLs are a standard way to request a file from a website. If you want to post a link on social media or email, you need to encode it so it doesn't come out as gibberish.

The first step is to go to the URL encoding tool and enter your URL into the box. Then click "Encode" and copy the encoded code from the box that pops up.


Why Use An Online URL Encoder?

URLs are usually written in plain text and it is not difficult for an attacker to change its text to something malicious. That's why it's important to use an online URL encoder.


Encryption Basics: What is a URL and Encoding?

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. A url that has been encrypted is also called an encoded url. Encoding is the process of translating data into code, which makes it unreadable to human beings.

A URL is a type of Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that specifies the location or name of a resource on the Internet. URLs are used for internet browsing and share files through email links, YouTube videos, etc.

Encryption is the process of encoding information so that only certain people can read it. The following table shows encryption in action:

Encrypted text: "I love you"

Decrypted text: "I love you."


How to Encrypt & Decrypt a URL Online with 1 Simple Website

URLs are the backbone of the internet. They are how we navigate through websites. URLs can be long and difficult to remember, but there are ways to make them more memorable. There are also ways to make it so that only specific people can see your website or blog post if you’d like.

This guide will show you how to encrypt url, encode url, and use a url encrypter site with 1 simple website!

Encrypting urls is a good way to make them more memorable and harder for others to steal your content or pass it off as their own. You can encrypt your urls by using tools like TinyURL. This tool takes any long url with no spaces in it and converts it into a short, easy-to-remember link that nobody else will know


How Does a URL Encoder Work?

Every URL is a different type of encoding.

URLs can be encoded in four ways:

The first form of encoding is the simplest. It is a simple text string consisting of letters and numbers, with no spaces or punctuation, which is similar to a phone number or street address. This type of encoding would look like this: "https://www.example.com".

The second form of encoding uses an underscore (_) as a separator between words (e.g., "http://www.example_com"). This type of URL will help if users need to input it into older web browsers that don't recognize other characters such as spaces and punctuation marks within the URL string itself, but it should be avoided due to the fact that it makes url's harder for people to read and memorize.

The third type is a link shortened URL, also called "semi-guilt" encoding (e.g., "example_com/") and used to make the long URL more memorable while still keeping it search engine friendly by using hyphens ("-" or "_").

Mixed Encoding Uses Hyphens in place of underscores between words (e.g., "http://example_com/page") which may confuse people who choose this encoding over semi-guilt when they are given no other way to input their URL for submission because the hyphen spaces after every word looks similar to what you will find next in most search engines results pages(SERPs). Mixed Encodings can cause user-experience problems as a result of this, and for these reasons tend to be avoided by the most popular websites.